Brad Darcy is a NYC fine artist working with themes related to human consciousness and evolution, while focusing on automatic drawing technique. His working process initially involving spontaneous ink drawings on paper, which are then worked upon digitally, and lastly expanded upon with paint on canvas. Natural elements such as mountains, clouds, human and animal forms dominate his work, making audience easily to find a sense of peacefulness and wisdom that is nearly the power of belief in religion inside the works.

Sometimes, you sense the artist’s visual humor, that exactly has inherited from his political-comic drawing father, meanwhile, the artworks itself visually represented his keen-witted perception in live.


Darcy & Darcy: In Monochrome

狂歡的詩學:「眾聲喧嘩」歲末聯展 “Heteroglossia”  Kaspar Bonnén, Brad Darcy, Iabadiou Piko Group Show2020.12.26-01.24

“Heteroglossia”: Kaspar Bonnén, Brad Darcy, Iabadiou Piko Group Show

後天的身體版圖 Body Unnatural2015.07.04—08.09

Body Unnatural


Marks and Sparks: Drawings and Words by Brad Darcy Arrives in Taiwan for the First Time

日本京都市美術館繪畫聯展 羅迪尼 ‧ 狄克森丶布萊德 ‧ 達西展出Rodney Dickson and Brad Darcy in Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art

Rodney Dickson and Brad Darcy in Kyoto Municipal Museum of Art